Serampore Girls' College

13, T.C. Goswami Street, Serampore, Hooghly - 712201, West Bengal, India

Established in 1981, Affiliated to the University of Calcutta

AISHE Code - C11984


Principal's Message

“It is not possible for a bird to fly with only one wing”, felt Swami Vivekananda. He believed that society cannot progress depending on men alone. It has to harness female power also. Our government also believes that the holistic development of a country must require women’s empowerment and for that government has taken different policies to incentivize women in pursuing higher education.

The mission of our college is to motivate students to be self- reliant in future with human principles and strong sense of responsibility towards society. Our untiring effort to uphold academic standards by imparting higher education of good quality. It helps the students march forward towards women’s empowerment.

Our college provides a peaceful academic environment, ideal for pursuit of studies.

The students are placed under direct supervision and care of dedicated faculty members. They receive an all round education in an atmosphere of peace, discipline and morality. Here teachers are totally committed to motivate the students to do their best in their chosen fields.

The departmental teachers regularly organize departmental quiz, workshops, students seminars, educational tours, open house program, faculty exchange on regular basis. Continuous internal assessment of students are held. Some departments pursue add on courses for students. Parent –teachers meetings are held regularly to let the parents know about the progress of their wards.

Students are also engaged in different extra-curricular activities through different cultural programmes, cultural competition and sports, science model exhibition, art and crafts exhibition,  community services through NSS and NCC. All these helps to generate mutual respect, self confidence, teamwork and leadership among the students. Awareness programmes are held on gender issues and environment and sustainability.

Skill development committee organizes skill development courses for students frequently. College has registered itself as a NSDC skill development centre to impart skill development courses to students.

I wholeheartedly look forward to welcome the new students in family of Serampore Girls’ College and wish all the students a happy beginning of their career.  I sincerely hope you will enrich our institution as well as yourself by your honest efforts using all the facilities and opportunities college provides to grow yourself into a complete, mature, successful and socially aware human being and will be proud to talk about your alma mater wherever you go.



Dr. Soma Roy, Ph.D


Serampore Girls' College