Serampore Girls' College

13, T.C. Goswami Street, Serampore, Hooghly - 712201, West Bengal, India

Established in 1981, Affiliated to the University of Calcutta

AISHE Code - C11984


Communication SKill

Language and communication skills

Language and communication skills are of paramount importance for undergraduate students in a girls' college, just as they are for students in any educational institution. Here are some key reasons why these skills are crucial:

1. Academic Success: Effective communication is essential for academic success. Students need strong language skills to understand course materials, participate in class discussions, and write research papers or essays. Without these skills, it can be challenging to excel in coursework and achieve high grades.

2. Critical Thinking: Language and communication skills are closely tied to critical thinking. Through effective communication, students can express their thoughts, analyze information, and engage in meaningful debates and discussions. These skills foster intellectual growth and help students develop a deeper understanding of their subjects.

3. Career Readiness: Good communication skills are highly valued by employers. Regardless of the field of study, students will need to communicate clearly and persuasively in their future careers. Strong communication skills can open up job opportunities and contribute to career advancement.

4. Confidence and Self-Expression: Developing language and communication skills boosts students' confidence and self-esteem. It allows them to express themselves clearly and assertively, both in academic and social contexts. This can lead to more active participation in extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations, which can enhance personal growth and leadership abilities.

5. Problem-Solving and Collaboration: Effective communication is vital for teamwork and collaboration. College students often work on group projects, and the ability to communicate their ideas, listen to others, and resolve conflicts is essential for achieving common goals.

6. Leadership Skills: Strong communication is a hallmark of effective leadership. Students who develop these skills can take on leadership roles in clubs, societies, or student government, and later in their professional lives. Effective leaders can motivate and inspire others through their words and actions.

7. Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity: Language and communication skills help students become more culturally sensitive and inclusive. In a diverse college environment, the ability to communicate respectfully and understand different perspectives is crucial for fostering a harmonious and inclusive campus community.

8. Personal and Professional Networking: Effective communication enhances students' ability to build personal and professional networks. These networks can be valuable for future job opportunities, mentorship, and personal growth.

9. Research and Presentation Skills: College often involves conducting research and presenting findings. Strong language and communication skills are essential for creating research proposals, presenting research findings, and engaging in academic conferences or seminars.

10. Lifelong Learning: Language and communication skills are not only essential for undergraduate studies but also for lifelong learning. The ability to read, write, speak, and listen effectively allows individuals to continue their education, acquire new skills, and stay informed about the world.

In summary, language and communication skills are indispensable for the holistic development of undergraduate students in a girls' college. These skills are not only academically beneficial but also play a vital role in personal growth, career success, and contributing positively to society. Girls' colleges can provide a supportive environment for female students to develop these skills and empower themselves for future challenges and opportunities.

Name of Certificate/ Value added course offered and online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. where the students of the institution have enrolled and successfully completed Course Code (if any) Year of offering/study
“Communicative English (CICE)” Course in collaboration with Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) at Serampore Girls’ College CICE 2022-2023
Add on Course on TRANSLATION STUDIESconducted by Department of English, Serampore Girls’ College N/A 2022-2023
Add on Course on TRANSLATION STUDIES conducted by Department of Sanskrit, Serampore Girls’ College N/A 2022-2023
Ten days spoken Sanskrit series N/A 2022-2023
“Communicative English (CICE)” Course in collaboration with Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) at Serampore Girls’ College CICE 2021-2022
“Communicative English (CICE)” Course in collaboration with Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) at Serampore Girls’ College CICE 2019-2020
“Employability skills- English at Work” in collaboration with Mahindra Pride classroom (NAANDI Foundation, Mahindra CSR program) at Serampore Girls’ College N/A 2022-2023
“Employability skills Training Program” in collaboration with Mahindra Pride classroom (NAANDI Foundation, Mahindra CSR program) at Serampore Girls’ College N/A 2022-2023
“Employability and Domain Skill Training” in collaboration with Mahindra Pride classroom (NAANDI Foundation, Mahindra CSR program) at Serampore Girls’ College N/A 2022-2023



Ten days spoken Sanskrit series: 2022-2023




Certificate in “Communicative English (CICE)” Course in collaboration with Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU) at Serampore Girls’ College 2022-2023




Add on Course on TRANSLATION STUDIES conducted by Department of English, Serampore Girls’ College:2022-2023



TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY – Add-on Course in “Translation Studies”: 2022:2023

Certificate Course on “Employability and Domain Skill Training” in collaboration with Mahindra Pride classroom (NAANDI Foundation, Mahindra CSR program) at Serampore Girls’ College 2022-2023