Serampore Girls' College

13, T.C. Goswami Street, Serampore, Hooghly - 712201, West Bengal, India

Established in 1981, Affiliated to the University of Calcutta

AISHE Code - C11984

Department of Botany


About the Department

About the department:


Department of Botany was introduced in 2019, offering only the B.Sc. general course under the University of Calcutta. Zoology and chemistry are offered in combination with Botany under CBCS system. The most recent revision to the undergrad botany course outline was made in 2022–2023 in response to UGC recommendations. According to New Education Policy (2020), we are offering MDC courses from 2023. Presently department has 2 faculty members and 30 students. Beside scheduled classes and examination plantation programs are organized on regular basis as part of awareness campaign. Celebration of Science day, Earth day are performed to encourage and promote scientific interaction and innovation for students and faculty. The department was supported by central library and laboratory facilities. Students are taken on field trips and excursions to various locations as per their syllabus. Students participate in poster competition, quiz, photography contest, exhibition, model preparation.

The majority of the students of this college come from rural areas where there are communities of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe people. They receive Kanyashree, Swami Vivekananda and other scholarships.



Programmes Offered

Curriculum & Credit Framework (CCF) (UG) CBCS (Former) Discontinued From 2023
Multi-Disciplinary General