Serampore Girls' College

13, T.C. Goswami Street, Serampore, Hooghly - 712201, West Bengal, India

Established in 1981, Affiliated to the University of Calcutta

AISHE Code - C11984

Students' Corner

Women's Cell

The primary mission of the Women’s Cell is to provide guidelines for the protection of women and provide the environment to ensure basic rights to work and study with dignity and to handle related complaints received and referred to the cell. Hence, the basic objective of the Women’s Cell is to promote a social, physical, and psychological environment that will raise awareness about and deter acts against women. To achieve these objectives the Women’s Cell started functioning from the year 2015. This cell has been working effectively for the empowerment of women since its birth. The First Convenor of the cell was Dr. Kumkum Sarkar, Who very efficiently carried out the work of this cell. Later, Dr. Sharmishtha Moitra (Coordinator) took over the responsibilities and Dr. Saswati Chanda became the joint Coordinator. Dr. Farzana Shaheen is currently in charge of the coordinator.

Coordinator : Dr. Farzana Shaheen

Dr. Saswati CHanda : Jt. Coordinator

Some Awareness Programmes and Activities organised by the Women’s Cell during the academic Year 2018-2019

10th April 2019

Reach out programme for local under-privileged women organised by Women’s Cell in collaboration with the Alumni Association of College.

  • Speaker : Reach out programme for local under-privileged women organised by Women’s Cell in collaboration with the Alumni Association of College.

  • Topic : Women Health Care with special emphasis on Safe Child Birth and Birth Control.

8th March 2019

Women’s Day Celebration organised by Women’s Cell in collaboration with the twin units of NSS. of our college.
A seminar was organised on Legal & Social Safety of the Women.

  • Speaker :

    1. Dr. Maitreyi Bose Biswas., Associate Professor of Zoology , Raja Pearymohon College, Utterpara, Hooghly & a Snience Activist.
    2. Dr. Farzana Saheen, Assistant Professor of Urdu, Serampore Girls College
    3. Dr. Nandita Mukherjee, HOD, Hindi, Serampore Girls' College.


  • Topic : Legal & Social Safety of the Women.

16th October 2018

A Seminar was organised on “Women Problems in India”

  • Speaker :

    1. Formar Associate Professor Dr. Kumkum Sarkar, Serampore Girls College
    2. Dr. Saswati Chanda, Serampore Girls College
    3. Dr. Upasana Roy Burman , Serampore Girls' College.


  • Topic : Women Problems in India

6th September 2018

free Health Check-up camp was organised by the Women’s Cell and NSS in collaboration with Apollo Gleaneagles Hospital for the 1st year students of the college. In this camp height, weight, blood pressure and random blood sugar of each student was checked. Free consultation by eminent doctors were provided to those students who require it.

17th July 2018

- A Seminar was organised on the Threats & Challenges of the social life of women.

  • Speaker :

    1. Dr. Hasi Mukherjee
    2. Dr. Subrata Sarkar, Ex professor, Government Nursing Training College under WBUHS.


  • Topic : Take Control : Enjoy LIfe.



Session Date Speaker Type Topic Report
2021-22 08-03-2022 Dr. Pradip Kumar Das Outreach Programme Women's Health and moral development View Report



Celebration of International Women’s Day 2023

Speaker 1:   Ms. Arpita Chakraborty, Addl. Magistrate, Serampore Court.

Topic:      Legal Awareness and Provisions for the Women.


Speaker2:   Dr. Bandana Chakraborty. Senior Gynaecologist, Walsh Hospital, Serampore.

Topic:  Health and hygiene of a woman and how to prevent STD.

Objectives– Serampore Girls’ Collegecelebrated International Women’s Day to sensitize the students about “women's empowerment”. The objectives of the programme were:

  • To honour the rights of women. 

  • To create awareness about legal rights and provisions for women and promote gender equality.

  • To create awareness of women’s health problems and methods of prevention of such problems for a healthy society.

Type of Activity: Seminar and Poster Competition

A seminar was organized on the ‘Well-being of Women’ and also a poster competition was arranged for the students.

For the Poster Competition, the topic was ‘Being a Woman’.

The inaugural address, on this occasion, was delivered by The Principal Dr. Soma Roy and she briefed about the significance of International Women’s Day

Organising Department: Women’s Cell

Place of Activity: NB 8 & NB 9

Date & Time of Activity: 16 March 2023 (12-3.00pm)

Number of Attendee: Students- 180,  Teachers: 35

The outcome of the Programme –

  • Students got the opportunity to know their legal rights and discuss their health-related issues with resource persons.

  • The programme winded up with open discussion and active participation from the audience which was answered and discussed by the resource persons.

  • The programme ended successfully on a very positive note.



10-day workshop on Self Defence


Trainer: Mr. Bimal Pal, Bengal Kyokushin Karate Organization

The objectives of the activity:

  • Self Defence for Women
  • Physical fitness and mental health improvement.

Type of Activity: Karate Workshop

Organizing Department: Women’s Cell

Place of activity: Playground, Old Building, Serampore Girls’ College Campus

Date and time of the activity : May 2023 to 20th May 2023 ( Time: 8 am to 10 am)

Number of attendees: 64


  • Students learned the basics of self-defence and Kyokushin Karate
  • Gained self-confidence and mental peace.
  • Developed interest in such self-defence programs.