Serampore Girls' College

13, T.C. Goswami Street, Serampore, Hooghly - 712201, West Bengal, India

Established in 1981, Affiliated to the University of Calcutta

AISHE Code - C11984

Department of Sociology


About the Department


The Department of Sociology is a relatively new department of the college, established in 2005.  The goal of the department, since its inception in 2005, has been to equip its students with a critical, analytical ability by providing them theoretical and analytical exposure to various social realities. The department offers an up-to-date curriculum (according to the under-graduate syllabus of the University of Calcutta) which takes into account recent advancements in theory, methodology and contemporary social phenomena. The curriculum is supported with an innovative pedagogy which emphasizes on interactive forms of teaching-learning process. The department encourages research and focuses on providing its students with an atmosphere for rigorous academic and intellectual development.


The Sociology faculty is a community of scholars with diverse intellectual interests and expertise committed to excellence in teaching and research, and is intellectually innovative and informed, grounded in but not bound by our disciplines.

With students, we are committed to develop scientific, interpretative, and critical capacities for understanding the social and cultural forces that shape the human experience. We strive to foster a lifelong engagement with questions of social justice. We are committed to promote globally competent scholars in sociology who are grounded in knowledge and have the ability to use this to transform the world they live in.

We bring theoretical and methodological rigor to understanding complex social and cultural realities both local and global. We promote ways of imagining and re-imagining the common good and encourage the use of knowledge and skills to realize a more just society.


It is our mission to mould tomorrow’s leaders by imparting comprehensive knowledge through classroom- based active learning methodologies and extramural activities. The Department of Sociology is committed to excellence in teaching, research and extension activities in the fields of rural and urban areas in India and particularly in West Bengal by providing necessary guidance and support for students and staff. We teach students the scientific, interpretative and critical skills needed to conduct theoretically sound, methodologically rigorous and multifaceted analyses of human social phenomena at both the local and global levels. We offer students direct opportunities to develop and apply those skills through research and experiential learning activities in the form of dissertation projects on various and wide ranging topics of their interests. Through such research activities covering a wide range of topics–we advance the collective understanding of complex social and cultural realities. We are committed–through our scholarship, teaching and service–to fostering imaginations that envision a more just society and which recognize the individual’s contribution to the social production and reproduction of just and unjust practices and institutions.

Learning Goals in Sociology :

To support the development of our students’ ability to “think like sociologists,” we have established the following learning goals for our KM sociology students:

  1. To integrate social theory and research;
  2. To apply sociological concepts to real life conditions;
  3. To examine critically social issues of importance;
  4. To make reasoned arguments based on social facts;
  5. To analyze quantitative and qualitative data;
  6. To interpret already analyzed data to generate conclusions; and
  7. To foster imagination that envisions a more just society.


  • To impart qualitative higher knowledge & guidance in the subject at undergraduate levels.
  • To equip the students with the latest sociological knowledge, research aptitudes & skills.
  • To provide opportunities & encourage students for carrying on research works.
  • To organize Seminars / Conferences / Workshops/& disseminate advanced knowledge among students.
  • To undertake extension activities & establish linkage with the local communities.

Programmes Offered

Curriculum & Credit Framework (CCF) (UG) CBCS (Former) Discontinued From 2023
Multi-Disciplinary General