Serampore Girls' College

13, T.C. Goswami Street, Serampore, Hooghly - 712201, West Bengal, India

Established in 1981, Affiliated to the University of Calcutta

AISHE Code - C11984


ICT/ Computing Skill

Importance of ICT and computing skill for undergraduate students


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and computing skills are of paramount importance for undergraduate students in girls' colleges in the digital age. Here's why these skills matter:

1. Academic Excellence: ICT and computing skills are indispensable for academic success. They enable students to access online resources, conduct research, and complete assignments more efficiently. Proficiency in software applications and digital tools enhances their ability to organize and present information.

2. Career Readiness:In today's job market, digital literacy is a prerequisite. Employers across various industries seek candidates who can adapt to technological advancements. ICT and computing skills are transferable and enhance employability, empowering students to pursue diverse career opportunities.

3. Problem Solving: Computing skills foster problem-solving abilities. Students learn to analyze issues, break them down into manageable parts, and devise innovative solutions. These problem-solving skills are invaluable in both academia and the professional world.

4. Entrepreneurship: ICT skills enable students to explore entrepreneurial opportunities in the digital realm. They can create and manage online businesses, market products or services, and develop innovative solutions for real-world problems.

5. Global Connectivity: ICT skills bridge geographical barriers, allowing students to collaborate and communicate with peers, experts, and organizations worldwide. This global perspective is crucial for a well-rounded education.

6. Digital Citizenship: Understanding ICT also includes knowledge about responsible and ethical digital behavior. Students learn about cybersecurity, privacy, and the importance of using technology responsibly.

In summary, ICT and computing skills are foundational for academic achievement, career prospects, problem-solving, entrepreneurship, global connectivity, and digital citizenship. Girls' colleges should prioritize these skills to equip their students with the tools needed to succeed in a technology-driven world.

Name of Certificate/ Value added course offered and online courses of MOOCs, SWAYAM, NPTEL etc. where the students of the institution have enrolled and successfully completed Course Code  Year of offering
Certificate in Computer Application conducted by Serampore Girls’ College and West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Limited (WEBEL) Govt of West Bengal Undertaking) CCA 2022-2023
NAASCOM"Certificate in Domestic Data Entry Operator (DDEO)
Under National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM)
and Serampore Girls’ College "
DDEO 2022-2023
Certificate in Domestic Data Entry Operator (DDEO)
Under National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM)
and Serampore Girls’ College
DDEO 2021-2022
Certificate in Information Technology Application (CITA)
Under Department of Youth Services and Sports, Govt. of West Bengal
and Serampore Girls’ College Youth Computer Training Centre
CITA 2020
Certificate in Information Technology Application (CITA)Certificate in Information Technology Application (CITA)
Under Department of Youth Services and Sports, Govt. of West Bengal
and Serampore Girls’ College Youth Computer Training Centre
CITA 2018-2019

Certificate in Information Technology Application (CITA) Under Department of Youth Services and Sports, Govt. of West Bengal and Serampore Girls’ College Youth Computer Training Centre 2018-2019


Certificate in Computer Application conducted by Serampore Girls’ College and West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Limited (WEBEL) Govt of West Bengal Undertaking) 2019-2020





Certificate in Domestic Data Entry Operator (DDEO) Under National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM) and Serampore Girls’ College 2022-2023