Serampore Girls' College

13, T.C. Goswami Street, Serampore, Hooghly - 712201, West Bengal, India

Established in 1981, Affiliated to the University of Calcutta

AISHE Code - C11984

Department of Botany

Event Details

Upgradation of laboratory, library, lab-equipment(s) and classroom facilities. Some topics related to scholarship and other facilities.

Date: 2021-12-14

Speaker: Faculty teacher


On 14th of December, 2021; the faculties of Departments of biological sciences organized an Open House Program for first semester students to discuss about their views regarding several issues those have been faced by them during both online and offline sessions. 


To encourage students to state how college and teachers can help them to boost their learning. Also any issues, found by them, regarding teaching-learning methods and online and/or offline classes were also been adreessed then.  


Students took part enthusiastically and pointed out a good bunch of issues those are in real need to be solved for a healthy and happy educational environment.