Field Work for 6th Semester Sociology General Students
Date: 2022-04-27
Speaker: NA
Imagine a small hidden village, where Rabri is prepared and sold via B2B model to multiple cities. Yes, it is the cottage industry there and in many a household there, rabri is prepared in bulk. This blogpost is on Sweets of Bengal and this time, it’s the Rabri gram Hoogly. Rabri is originally said to have been invented in Varanasi and traveled to Bengal. The original name of Rabri Gram is Gangpur or Ainya.
14 students of 6th Semester General, Department of Sociology participate this field work and surveyed the rabri village through extensive field work.
1. Effective Learning
2. Personal Development
3. Deepen Social and Historical Knowledge
4. Develop Critical Thinking
5. Respect for Culture
6. Enhances Perspective
7. Effective Communication
1. This field work experience helps to professional carrier.
2. Gather knowledge how to survey and how to data collection.
3. Through this extensive field work students collect data, analyse data and make a report. So students make a knowledge regarding research through this field survey.